Kurs i programmering for web i Oppegård

Internett har kommet for å bli, og da er det attraktivt å være en god webutvikler. Her finnes alt av kurs innen webprogrammering med stikkord som for eksempel; javascript, PHP, MySQL, HTML, XHTML og Dreamweaver. Ta kontakt med oss hvis du ikke finner noe som passer for deg.

Hands-on Training for Practical Automation Skills

Expand your automation skills with our expert-led PLC and HMI programming courses using state-of-the-art Beckhoff technology. Our courses offer hands-on training, giving you practical experience and the ability to apply your skills to real-world automation scenarios.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Hele landet Hele landet

PLC Programming Course

Learn the basics and advance your skills in Beckhoff PLC programming. This PLC programming course provides a thorough introduction to PLC programming, emphasizing essential concepts and hands-on skills.

Sted Neste kurs Varighet Pris
Hele landet Hele landet ntensive program, with a total of 2...

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