Internett har kommet for å bli, og da er det attraktivt å være en god webutvikler. Her finnes alt av kurs innen webprogrammering med stikkord som for eksempel; javascript, PHP, MySQL, HTML, XHTML og Dreamweaver. Ta kontakt med oss hvis du ikke finner noe som passer for deg.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs med introduksjon til jUnit 5 for bedrifter. Målsettingen med kurset er å gi Java-utviklere en innføring i å skrive tester med jUnit 5. Dette kurset levers kun som bedriftsinternt kurs.
Vi tilbyr 4-dagers online introduksjonskurs til programmering med Java. Målsettingen er at ved gjennomført kurs vil deltakerne kunne skrive enkle programmer i Java og kjenne til de grunnleggende komponentene og prinsippene Java bygger på.
Vi tilbyr onlinekurs med introduksjon til Spring Boot for bedrifter. Målsetningen med kurset er å gi Java-utviklere en introduksjon til rammeverket Spring Boot, det anvendelsesområder, styrker og svakheter. Etter kurset skal deltakerne kunne sette opp ulike typer prosjekter med Spring Boot.
We provide course about Julia for Programmers for businesses. This 3-day course is designed for developers with experience of other languages such as Python, R, Matlab, or Java and who want to get up to speed on Julia.
We provide Reactive Spring workshop for businesses. In this workshop, we will use the current versions of Spring Boot, Spring Framework and Project Reactor to write Reactive code and will introduce RSocket, an application protocol that supports Reactive Streams.
We provide online Spring Boot workshop for businesses. This workshop will teach you Spring Framework basics and dives into Spring Boot and Spring Cloud to create Microservices.
Do you want to learn C programming in a modern way? Do you want to feel confident with your C programming skills? Complex problems will look easy after this course. With Super Tek Kurs you will learn C programming at a fabulous quality with the best price!
Do you want to learn C programming in a modern way and with a focus on electric vehicle and energy industry? Do you want to feel confident with your C programming skills and improve your chances in job market? Complex problems will look easy after this course and it will give your CV a nice boost.
Do you want to write sophisticated C++ programs that are fast and perform amazingly? Are you tired of bugs in your C++ programs? Super Tek Kurs offers an enjoyable and easy learning process to help you build your confidence as a programmer and learn C++ at a fabulous quality with the best price.
Do you want to write sophisticated C++ programs that are fast and perform amazingly? Are you tired of bugs in your C++ programs? Super Tek Kurs offers an exciting C++ course which not only teaches you C++, but also helps you get familiar with electric vehicle and also energy industries.
Do you want to learn to write efficient, clean, and sophisticated Java programs in just 5 days? Super Tek Kurs provides a Java course which helps you learn in an easy and enjoyable process with individual attention and highest level of care for each student. It helps you learn faster and better.
Do you want to learn to write efficient, clean, and sophisticated Java programs in just 5 days? Super Tek Kurs provides a Java course which helps you learn in an enjoyable process with examples that focus on energy industry and electric vehicles industry to improve your chances in job market.
Do you want to gain a deep knowledge of Python in just 4 days? Do you want to write efficient Python programs? Super Tek Kurs offers an enjoyable and easy learning process to help you build your confidence as a programmer and learn Python at a fabulous quality with the best price!
JavaScript er et av verdens mest brukte programmeringsspråk som, sammen med HTML og CSS, utgjør grunnsteinene i moderne webutvikling. Selv om språket opprinnelig ble utviklet for bruk på nettet, har det de siste årene både blitt populært som server-språk og som programmeringsspråk for enkeltstående
Dette kurset gir en omfattende introduksjon til programmering i Python. Du vil lære grunnleggende konsepter som variabler, datatyper, løkker, funksjoner og logikk. Kurset vil også dekke mer avanserte emner som strenger, lister, dictionaries, og tuples. Du vil også lære om hvordan du bruker Python i
Dette nettkurset er perfekt for deg som allerede har noen grunnleggende ferdigheter i Python og ønsker å lære objektorientert programmering (OOP). Med OOP vil du kunne redusere utviklingstiden, gjøre koden din lettere å lese og vedlikeholde, samt gjenbruke kode på en effektiv måte. Magnus Kvendseth
WordPress er verdens desidert mest brukte publiseringssystem. Alt fra små firma til store konsern bruker WordPress til å drive sine nettsider. Faktisk driver WordPress 50 til 60 % av alle nettsider i hele verden. Det er jo ganske imponerende. Du kan derfor trygt velge dette systemet, uten noe videre
We provide virtual course about Applied Domain-Driven Design. Domain-Driven Design has attracted quite a lot of attention in recent years. This course explains the concepts of DDD, and explores how it can help us model complex software systems.
We provide virtual course with introduction to OpenID Connect and OAuth. OpenID Connect is the de-facto standard we should use for handling authentication and authorization in modern applications.
We provide virtual course about Rust Programming in english. Rust is an intriguing language. Syntactically similar to C++, it offers higher-order language features to simplify important tasks such as memory management, concurrent execution, and safe vs. unsafe execution.
AIX Advanced Shell Programming Tools Course Overview This IBM AIX Advanced Shell Programming Tools training course is designed to give delegates practical experience using a range of AIX tools to manipulate text and incorporate them into AIX shell scripts.
AIX Korn Shell Programming Course Overview IBM AIX Korn Shell Programming training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in developing and writing shell scripts.
The Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge (CCAK) is the first credential that industry professionals can obtain to demonstrate their expertise in understanding the essential principles of auditing cloud computing systems.
In this course, application developers learn how to design, develop, and deploy applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem.
The ISTQB certification for Foundation Level Extension – Agile Tester is designed for professionals who are working within Agile environments.
Java Programming 2 / Java Advanced Developer Course Overview. Modern Java code extends well beyond object orientation and the associated principles.
This course will teach the basics of Microsoft´s dialect of the standard SQL language: Transact-SQL.
The ‘Introduction to Testing Techniques ‘workshop provides delegates with practical guidance on the application of test case design techniques (and measures of test coverage), and advice on the choice of which of these techniques and measures to use.
This five-day instructor-led is intended for IT professionals who are interested in furthering their skills in Windows PowerShell and administrative automation.
JavaScript er nå det eneste skript-språket som anvendes og støttes av alle nettlesere og er blitt en defacto standard for å bygge inn interaktivitet på websider. I tillegg er JavaScript i stadig større grad i bruk på serversiden gjennom bl.a. Node.js og Express.js. AJAX, jQuery, React.js, Angular.js
Expand your automation skills with our expert-led PLC and HMI programming courses using state-of-the-art Beckhoff technology. Our courses offer hands-on training, giving you practical experience and the ability to apply your skills to real-world automation scenarios.
Learn the basics and advance your skills in Beckhoff PLC programming. This PLC programming course provides a thorough introduction to PLC programming, emphasizing essential concepts and hands-on skills.
Vi tilbyr nettbasert kurs i Mobile Movie Making.Smarttelefonen har revolusjonert måten vi innhenter og formidler informasjon på, og i dette emnet lærer du hvordan du kan produsere og publisere filmer utelukkende ved hjelp av en smarttelefon.