Her finner du en landsdekkende oversikt over kurs i Mambo. Mambodansen kommer opprinnelig fra Cuba. Navnet er hentet fra mytologien i Haitisk voodoo. Ellers er dansen kjent for å være like morsom og teknisk utfordrende som den er eksotisk for oss stive nordboere.
We provide dance course in mambo and salsa for beginners. Here you will learn solo and partner dancing. No previous experience needed, no partner needed. After 8 weeks the round will start over again and you can choose to repeat or move up a level.
We provide solo class in mambo for you who have good fundamental technique. Mambo is more than a dance, its a feeling its a groove. Its letting the rhythm speak through your body, its more than a style its a lifestyle.
We provide dance course in mambo for beginners and intermediate. Mambo is more than a dance, its a feeling its a groove. Its letting the rhythm speak through your body, its more than a style its a lifestyle.
We provide solo class in mambo for you who have good fundamental technique. Mambo is more than a dance, its a feeling its a groove. Its letting the rhythm speak through your body, its more than a style its a lifestyle. We have all heard about salsa dance. But have you heard about mambo?
We offer masterclass - highest level in mambo (solo class). Mambo is more than a dance, its a feeling its a groove. Its letting the rhythm speak through your body, its more than a style its a lifestyle. We have all heard about salsa dance. But have you heard about mambo?
We provide private dance lessons in mambo. Mambo is more than a dance, its a feeling its a groove. Its letting the rhythm speak through your body, its more than a style its a lifestyle. We have all heard about salsa dance. But have you heard about mambo?
Vi tilbyr dansekurs i mambo som er en cubansk musikksjanger og dansestil. Mambo spilles mest på Cuba siden det er det opprinnelige stedet til dansen, som er fylt med raske og heftige bevegelser. Mambo er et viktig element i cubansk salsa!
Vi tilbyr Salsa Mambo - Master Class. En unik dansetime som finnes kun hos Salsakompaniet! Lær deg Salsa On2 i verdensklasse med våre internasjonale instruktører Iris Reder og Jazzy Ruiz. Norgesmestere i salsa proff klasse 2017 og Norges representanter i VM i Salsa.
Vi tilbyr ulike klasser i mamba.
Vi tilbyr ulike klasser i mamba. This course is for all ladies that have previously attended to all our previuus levels of Mambo classes up to advanced level in couples and wish to keep developing their technique, body movement style and repertoire and expend their knowledge.
Welcome to Norway¨s top Mambo class! The only Mambo course in Norway at intermediate level with our uniqe technique system with live band in every class. This class is dedi cated to all Mambo lovers from advanced + level to instructors,