I denne kategorien finner du forskjellige kurs innen dyrehold. Dressurkurs for hund og andre hundekurs finner du i kategorien Hundekurs
Animals rights & human responsibilities. with Dr. Christine Olsen, ethologist and researcher at ICofA. Watch it online now
Build a magic bond with your horse. Connecting with horses by giving choices! Course is created by Cathrine Fodstad, the founder of Ride like a viking.
Ground work to establish contact with the horse – the fundamentals for riding without reins” with Cathrine Fodstad. Build a magic bond with your horse.
Vi tilbyr foredraget Hestens potensielle bidrag i kroppsorientert psykoterapi. I dette foredraget vil Jeanette reflektere rundt sine erfaringer med hesteassistert kroppsorientert psykoterapi og snakke om hvordan hun konkret har jobbet med noen deltakere.