VINC fokus på visuelle presentasjoner og presentasjonsevner!
Få en innledning i bruk av non-verbale virkemidler som optimaliserer ditt budskap og fremtreden under din presentasjon.
Har du mye fokus på innhold og glemmer «alt det andre»? Vil du sikre deg at ditt publikum sitter igjen med en givende og verdifull opplevelse og at de også har oppfattet budskapet i presentasjonen din? Er svaret ja, har vi gleden av å invitere deg til våre eventer.
Hvem bør dellta:
• Startups som er i pitching- fasen
• Prosjektledere og selgere som har behov for å utvikle deres presentasjonsevner
• Foredragsholdere som ønsker å lære nye teknikker
• Talere og andre lignende roller
VINC focuses on visual presentations and presentation skills! After the introductory course «Your body says it all», take an in depth course in the use of non-verbal tools that optimize your message and performance during your presentation.
Who should attend::
• Startups in the pitching phase
• Senior managers, managers, project managers and salespeople who need to develop their presentation skills
• Lecturers wishing to learn new techniques
• Speakers and other similar roles
Event description:
This workshop is for anyone wishing to improve their communication skills in business, public relations and presentation of their project, through theatrical techniques During the workshop you will gain an in depth understanding of how the nonverbal aspects of communication actually impact your presentation and what your audience will remember.
The workshop is structured in 2 half day sessions:
- 10:00 am - 1:00 pm: Neutral mask theater workshop
This workshop extends the evening of the first presentation by the practice of group exercises and presentation of oneself in front of an audience (the other participants). In order to highlight the universality of gesture language, trainees will use neutral masks. The exercises with these masks confront participants with the relationship between what is believed to be expressed and what is perceived by others, comparing attitudes, gestures and universal behaviors to those influenced by each other´s culture.
- 2:00 pm - 5.30 pm: Theater workshop expressive masks
This session will allow you to put the body at stake by playful exercises, to increase your awareness of the gesture, as well as the rules of communication that the masked game amplifies and specifies. You will learn to recognize the universal archetypes conveyed by these masks of character, to play them and to identify the social behaviors that they symbolize.
1 workshop is 375 NOK - 2 workshops is 660 NOK
30% student discount available - student id required
VINC reserves the right to cancel the event in case of an unsufficient number of attendees.