Varme arbeider / Hot works (English)

Kursarrangør: Kompetansebedriften
Sted: Kompetansebedriften AS (3. etg.)
          Oslo, Rødtvet
Kursadresse: Pottemakerveien 6B, 0954 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: kl 08:30 - 15:30
Varighet: 1 dag
Pris: 2300
Neste kurs: 02.04.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

We offer hot work courses - tailored to the requirements of the insurance industry and led by certified instructors with extensive experience and high competence in the field of fire and hot work.

After completing the hot work course, you will have the knowledge and necessary risk awareness to perform hot work in a responsible manner that takes into account health, safety, and the environment, in accordance with current regulations.

• Hot work and certification requirements
• Fire theory
• Extinguishment theory
• Responsibilities related to hot work
• Hazards associated with hot work
• Performing hot work
• Consequences
• Firefighting exercise

Instructor: Anders Rivin
Anders is a trained mechanic and worked for 10 years as a forklift mechanic. He is currently the managing director of a competence company but still teaches courses. He is particularly fond of teaching our Crane and Lifting courses as well as Hot Work and HSE courses.

Target group:
The course is suitable for personnel who, in their daily work, use or will use hot tools.

A Hot Work Certificate from the Norwegian Fire Protection Association will be issued upon successful completion of the course. Participants will receive a Hot Work book from EH Produkter.

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