Truckførerkurs klasse T1 -T2- T4 (engelsk)

Kursarrangør: UCO
Sted: UCO Kjeller
          Akershus, Skedsmo / Lillestrøm
Kursadresse: Brånåsparken 9, 2007 Kjeller (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: kl 07:30 - 16:00
Varighet: 4 dager
Pris: 7080

Training for safe use of a forklift.

Forklift and forklift driving.

The training is provided in accordance with §10-3 and §10-2 of the Regulations on the execution of work.
Course content.
Module 1: Working environment responsibility and consequences.
Module 2.2: forklift theory.
Theory covers all modules T1 -T5
Module 3.2: Practical use.
Module 4.2: Practical use with instructor or Sponsor solution.

Target group for the course:
For anyone who will drive a forklift class T1-T2-T4.

Class T3 and T5 on request.

ATS 600