TRE®, Developmental Trauma and Primitive Reflexes

Kursarrangør: Oppmerksom Bevegelse
Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Nettkurs og nettstudie
Varighet: 1 kveld
Pris: 490

TRE® talk, connect and tremor session A talk by Cheda Mikic ND, BCST, TRE® Trainer There are 2 parts for this event: 1. a free talk, starting at 5 pm and 2. a TRE® session, starting at 6:15 pm.

There are 2 parts for this event:

This is a free talk and open to anyone.

Developmental trauma, accidents, falls, abuse or neglect, can and does affect a child’s brain and body development. Primitive reflexes, Reactions and Responses are fundamental parts of our survival and attachment strategies.

Trauma of any kind can and does affect these strategies, causing the retention, underdevelopment and modification of these strategies. Retained Primitive Reflexes can ripple through the body and fill a child and an adult with paralysing anxiety and panic that can carry through their entire life.

Topics in this talk:
How Primitive Reflexes affect the Brain, Body and our Attachment/ Bonding with ourselves and others?
What strategies can we use to correct it?
Which Brain and Body regions regulate and control these unconscious, involuntary movements?
How do we repair the imbalances?

TRE® connect, Q&A and tremor session with Hans Holter Solhjell and Cheda Mikic

Monday, January 15th, 2024 | 6:15 pm CEST.

In this two-hour session, we will connect and share experiences related to the topic of the talk and TRE® in general, and you can ask questions related to the topic of the talk.

We will also do a tremor session, demonstrate interventions and modifications, and provide individual guidance and support.

In this session you will learn more about how Primitive Reflexes affect your Brain, Body, Posture and Attachment strategies and practice simple interventions to improve it.

Learn why TRE® is so helpful in restoring Motor and Sensory systems and how can we use it with more efficacy.

These sessions are for those with quite a bit of experience with TRE® as a personal practice, instructors, and trainers. They are not beginner sessions and provide additional ideas, exercises, and interventions compared to the basic set of TRE® exercises.

The purpose of these sessions are also to connect with others who practice TRE® to share experiences, support and learn from each other.