We provide course about start with Android. Now everyone has a phone in their pocket, and there is a shortage of developers in the market. The market is looking for new talents! The course starts by talking about what a mobile system is and how it differs from a laptop or even a server.
And it will end with a ready-to-publish mobile application. You can implement your idea or take an idea from the list. Between the introduction and the last lesson, we'll walk through the fundamental components of Android SDK and figure out how to use them and what they are for.
• Hello World: Android, SDK, tools, Android Studio, APK (AAB), PlayStore
• Fundamentals part 1: Application, Activity, Fragment, Context, Services
• Fundamentals part 2: Intent, Intent Filter, Broadcasts, ContentProviders, Notifications
• Layouts, LayoutInflator, CustomViews, RecycleLists
• SQLite, Preferences, DataStore
Course instructor: Daniil
Daniil er en senior sofware engineer (Tech lead) med solid bakgrunn fra Android applications leveranser, Xamarin prosjekter og Android/iOS distribusjon. Daniil er godt kjent med alle stegene i software development life cycle, fra konseptuelt design til koding og forberede applikasjoner for lansering (også via CI).
Han har levert enterprise-class systemer og innovative løsninger som løser forskjellige forretningsbehov. Daniil har fokus på at applikasjonene skal være velutviklet og ha et tilpasset brukergrensesnitt som er intuitivt. Daniil liker å utvikle seg og liker å lære seg nye teknologier og utviklingsmetoder, dette hjelper han med å finne enkle løsninger på vanskelige problemer.
Target audience:
This is a course for those who want to get into mobile development with Android. Also suitable for those who have already started but lack a fundamental understanding of how it works (and more often why it does NOT work the way you want).
• The course is designed for those who already have the basics of programming. The programming language will be Kotlin. But knowing it is not necessary if you have knowledge of another similar language (like Java, C#, JS etc.)