Spring Boot Development

Kursarrangør: Glasspaper AS
Sted: Oslo, Helsfyr
Kursadresse: Brynsveien 12, 0667 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: kl 09:00 - 16:00
Varighet: 5 days
Pris: 26.900

We provide course about Spring Boot Development. This course takes a detailed look at how to use Spring Boot to create sophisticated applications rapidly, according to best practices and contemporary enterprise application patterns.

Course description:
The course explains key structural concepts in Spring Boot, such as auto-configuration, profiles, and packaging. We take a detailed look at important Spring Boot APIs, including MVC, WebFlux, REST, Data, Messaging, and Integration. We also show how to create microservices and containerize them usen Docker.

During the course you will build a complete Spring Boot application from front to back, incorporating all the features covered in the course. This will help you understand how each ingredient fits into the bigger picture of the Spring Boot application landscape.

What you'll learn:
• Creating and configuring Spring Boot applications
• Understanding Spring Boot auto-configuration
• Creating Web applications
• Creating and consuming REST services
• Reactive programming and WebFlux
• Accessing SQL and NoSQL data sources
• Implementing Spring Boot messaging
• Microservices and Spring Cloud essentials
• Spring Boot testing
• Spring Boot and containerization
• Spring Boot and microservices
• Spring Boot security

Course outline:
Module 1 - Introduction to Spring Boot:
• What is Spring Boot; Spring Boot vs. Spring Framework; Spring Boot features and benefits

Module 2 - Creating a Spring Boot Application:
• Using Spring Boot CLI; Using Maven and Gradle; Using Spring Initializr; IDE support; Understanding how Spring Boot applications work; Packaging options.

Module 3 - Managing Beans and Dependency Injection:
• Defining components; Configuration classes; Beans; Dependency injection; Value injection and the Spring Expression Language.

Module 4 - Spring Boot Auto-Configuration:
• What is auto-configuration; Understanding (at)EnableXxx annotations; Managing auto-configuration

Module 5 - Effective Spring Development:
• Property files and YAML files; Sources of external configuration; Spring profiles; Spring Boot Actuator; Spring Boot Admin

Module 6 - Creating Web Applications:
• Spring MVC essentials; Defining controllers and views; Managing forms; Additional techniques

Module 7 - Creating REST Services:
• REST essentials; Creating and consuming REST services; Managing links via HATEOAS and HAL; Supporting CORS; Integrating SPA technologies, e.g. Angular.

Module 8 - Spring Data:
• Using JDBC; Using JPA; Creating CRUD repositories; Dealing with NoSQL databases; Working with Elasticsearch; Database migrations using Flyway.

Module 9 - Spring Messaging:
• Messaging essentials; Configuring queuing infrastructure; Sending and receiving messages; Using Spring Boot with Kafka.

Module 10 - Spring Integration:
• Enterprise Application Integration; Using Spring Integration; Spring Integration channel interfaces and implementations; Examples of Spring Integration; Service activation; Integration options.

Module 11 - Spring Boot Testing:
• Unit testing; Integration testing; Using WireMock to mock REST endpoints

Module 12 - Spring Boot and Containerization:
• Introduction to containerization and Docker; Understanding Docker images; A closer look at images and containers; Containerizing a Spring Boot application; Automating Dockerization via Maven.

Module 13 - Spring Boot and Microservices:
• Overview of microservices; A closer look at microservices and the cloud; Microservices in practice; Microservices application example.

Module 14 - Spring Boot Security:
• Security essentials; Authentication and authorization techniques

Instructor: Andy Olsen

Andy is a freelance consultant and instructor based in the UK, working mostly in the City of London and Oxford. Andy has been working with .NET since the Beta 1 days and has extensive experience in many facets of .NET development including WCF, WPF, WF, ASP.NET MVC Web development, and mobile applications. Andy has designed and written many Microsoft Official Curriculum courses in the last decade, and has been engaged as author and technical reviewer with Apress on some of their biggest selling books.

Target audience:
Anyone who wants course about Spring Boot Development

• At least 6 months experience with Java
• Familiarity with Spring Framework is beneficial, but not essential

• English course material, english speaking instructor

Uttalelse fra fornøyd kursdeltaker:
«I think Andy Olsen is an extraordinarily good instructor! The course was terrific, and I look forward to coming again next month for the course in Kotlin.»
- Ask Vargset, Skatteetaten