If you are new to the sport of sailing, it is wise to test it out before you commit to a lengthy training session. We have taken this into consideration and offer a ‘Sailing for Dummies’ session where the student is taken out and shown the ‘ropes’ if you will.
The student can then decide if he or she will commit to a training course. A introduction training course will be over a weekend, week days after work or whatever is convenient for the student. It will include sail trimming, helms training and general boat handling. We will not offer Navigation training. If that is required we can recommend ‘Sjøkurs‘ for those who need certificates for coastal cruising.
The Norwegian regulations allow a person born after 1980 to operate a boat up to 26ft without any license. Our boats are all 26ft, so no license is required.
The prize for a beginners course is 5000 NOK. You can pay 500 NOK and participate in the introduction (‘Sailing for Dummies’) & then pay the residual, 4500 if you decide to continue or not. If you don’t want to continue, you have only paid 500 NOK.
The course is continuous and you can book a session the same day (weather permitting). The training is very focused on individual ‘hands on’ sailing over a period of three days. One or two students per session is ideal, 3 people at the most.