We provide SC 107 DPO certification exam, shuttle tanker in english. The objective of the examination is to thoroughly test the competence of the candidate in the most important competences for DPOs onboard a shuttle tanker.
Course description:
The examination tests that the participants have an in depth understanding of safe and efficient handling of shuttle tankers in close proximity to offshore installations, including safe handling of connecting and disconnecting to loading systems, emergency shut downs, by utilizing engines, rudders and thrusters, under normal and severe conditions and with systems intact and with system errors.
The theoretical examination allows the candidate to demonstrate a deeper understanding of DP, essential for making decisions, recognizing conditions or overseeing consequences of actions related to DP. A score of 70% or higher is required to pass.
The practical assessment focuses on:
• Handling DP incidents
• Failures
• Changes in parameters
• Emergencies
• Manual control
• Certificate is valid for 5 years
Assessor decides pass or fail of the practical assessment. Duration of the examination is 1 day, and the maximum number of participants is 3. The assessment is in compliance with DNV-GL ST 0023:2014-04, ST 0032:2014-04 and ST 0033:2014-04.
Target audience:
This examination is for participants aiming to obtain DNV-GL’s DPO certificate for shuttle tanker
The participants must have completed the following:
• Nautical education at management level
• DP Induction and DP Simulator (including required seatime)
• Offshore Loading Basic (no more than 3 month prior to examination. If more than 3 months have passed, the participant must take an Offshore Loading Refresher course)
• Required seatime (24 days in operation and 2 connections) or DPO Specialization course
• Competence pre-test with minimum 70% score
Experienced DPO’s from other trades can start the scheme at Offshore Loading Basic.