Robot Structural Analysis Basic training

Kursarrangør: COWI
Sted: Økern
Kursadresse: Karvesvingen 2, 0579 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: kl 08:30 - 16:00
Varighet: 2 dager
Pris: 10.500
Neste kurs: 28.04.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

This course provides an introduction to Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional (RSA). It is addressed to those who never used the program before or have only limited experience with it.

• Introduction to Robot Structural Analysis
• Modeling of beam and shell type elements
• Definition and changing of loads
• Manual and automatic load combinations
• Linear analysis vs non-linear analysis
• Meshing possibilities and limits
• Offsets and rigid links
• Use of Claddings for load distributions
• Beam end releases
• Viewing results graphically and in table formats
• Modelling of a complex beam to column connection.

The focus is on user interface, menus, preferences, modeling, handling of loads, fundamental analysis and interpretation and documentation of results.
We combine theoretical lectures with demonstrations and practical exercises on relevant examples.

After the course, participants will be able to independently find their way in the RSA and use it as a 3D modelling tool for structural analysis. Participants will also be aware of the more advanced analytical methods that RSA offers and how RSA can be used in a BIM solution by communicating to other modelling and analysis tools.
We recommend participants interested in using the concrete and/or steel design in Robot to take the Steel and Concrete courses as well and point out that it is possible to take them right after the basic course.

About the instructor:
Håkon Frank Bardarson has over 15 years of experience in structural design and FEM analysis. He has been using Robot since 2007 and has been responsible for training and support for Robot since 2011. He has a MSCE degree from University of Washington (2000) and a CS degree from the University of Iceland. (1998).

Included in the course:
Course material and documentation, 2 weeks free support of Robot Structural Analysis, lunch and coffee.

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