Robot Structural Analysis Advanced Analysis training

Kursarrangør: COWI
Sted: Økern
Kursadresse: Karvesvingen 2, 0579 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Varighet: 1 dag
Pris: 6.000
Neste kurs: 02.06.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

This course is aimed to those with basic experience of Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional (RSA), and who wishes to further explore the vast set of advanced analysis possible with RSA.

• Moving loads
• Robot API
• Elasto-plastic material properties
• Stability of structure, buckling of an arch
• Structures with cables
• Transient respons analysis
• Footfall analysis

The course covers material non linearity, moving loads, cables and modal and transient analysis of a structure subjected to dynamic wind-load.

We will talk about meshing and what we should have in mind when doing meshing of different structures.

The course will also cover footfall analysis where we look at response due to harmonic loading of a pedestrian bridge.

In the course we will show you an example of how you can take advantages of the Robot API to make a model in Robot and access information from the model. This will be done in c# but there is no knowledge of c# required to take the course.

After the course, participants will be familiar with the many possibilities of advanced analysis that RSA offers.

About the instructor:
Håkon Frank Bardarson has over 15 years of experience in structural design and FEM analysis. He has been using Robot since 2007 and has been responsible for training and support for Robot since 2011. He has a MSCE degree from University of Washington (2000) and a CS degree from the University of Iceland. (1998).

Included in the course:
Course material and documentation, 2 weeks free support of Robot Structural Analysis, lunch and coffee.

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