Osho Dynamic Meditation

Sted: Zen House
          Oslo, Majorstua
Kursadresse: Sporveisgata 29, 0354 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Varighet: 1 time
Pris: 225

Osho Dynamic Meditation is a quick, intense, and thorough way to break free from old, negative patterns in both body and mind. These patterns keep us stuck in the past run by old, useless habits, and prevent us from experiencing our natural joy of life right now.

The Indian mystic Osho noticed as early as the '70s that people from the West had too much internal unrest to benefit from sitting meditations alone. So he developed "active" meditations, a mix of physically active phases that release built-up physical and emotional tension, and calm, inactive phases to enter into silence.

Osho Dynamic Meditation is considered one of Osho's most challenging, but also most liberating active meditations. It consists of five stages, where the first three are physically demanding with chaotic breathing, emotional expression and movement, and the last two are quiet observation and celebratory dance.

Meditation leaders
The meditation is led by Homa Elleri and Erik Yogi Møller, both of whom have over 40 years of experience with their own meditation practice and leading meditations. Homa is the leader and owner of Zen House, Oslo (formerly Zen Books and Music) since 2000. She holds a Masters degree in languages from UCLA, sosionom from Oslo and body therapist, and is a trained meditation teacher from Osho Multiversity in India.

Erik leads Zen Leadership and EMConsulting AS, and has extensive expertise in relaxation and stress management. He works with leadership coaching and change processes in the business sector on a daily basis and as a teacher of Zen meditation in Zen House.

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