We provide online course in norwegian at level A1 - A2. Learn norwegian online when and where you want! Our experienced teachers will give you feedback and guidance while you learn to speak and write norwegian.
About the course:
This language course is suitable for those who are going to take exams in A1 - A2 or the norskprøven. This course covers A1 - A2, which is for those who want to learn norwegian, but do not have norwegian skills per now.
Course content:
Level A1:
• The Norwegian course for beginners seek to give you a thorough and practical introduction to the language. We will speak Norwegian to each other actively the way you would do it in practical situations from everyday life.
Level A2:
• The teaching will consist of oral exercises. Speaking Norwegian will give you a larger vocabulary and an increased understanding of Norwegian grammar. The teaching is communicative, and you are encouraged to use the language activly even in your everyday life during the time of the course.
Akademiet Videreutdanning is approved by Competence Norway. Are you applying for a permanent residence permit in Norway or citizenship? Our course gives you approved hours via Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI).
Learning objectives:
Increased ability to:
• Describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and plans
• Understand the main meaning in daily spoken as well as written norwegian language about familiar topics at work, school or social life.
• Write simple, coherent texts on topics relating to everyday life
• Discuss familiar topics and argue your opinions
• Express yourself in unfamiliar, or even difficult, situations
Practical information:
You get access to a variety of videos, texts and tasks that you work on when you decide to. The teacher helps you through video chat, telephone or e-mail. It is estimated that students spend around 48 hours at each level. You can start the course whenever you want and you have access for 18 months.
Payment information:
Course fees are paid by the individual, by NAV, by agreement with the company you work for, your municipality or others. Note: If you are not paying for the course yourself, you must obtain confirmation of payment from the person or organization covering the cost. The course is not eligible for support from Lånekassen.
The course fees does not include additional books. If you are a member of a trade union, you may be eligable for an education grant. Some trade unions provide grants through the LO Education Fund. Contact your union for more information. We will confirm your course enrollment for your grant application.
Target group:
The Norwegian course is a course adapted to those whose mother tongue is not Norwegian and who want to learn norwegian for the first time. On this course you learn to write and read as well as communicate in norwegian.
• There are no prerequisities required
You will receive a course certificate from the Online Studies Academy at the end of the course