Lær å dyrke - Lær om naturens matressurser - Bli mer selvforsynt

Kursarrangør: FosenExplore
Sted: Heggli Gård
          Sør-Trøndelag, Rissa
Kursadresse: Helsetveien 140, 7105 Stadsbygd (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Kl 15:00
Varighet: 5 dager
Pris: 12.500

Vi tilbyr kurset "Lær å dyrke - Lær om naturens matressurser - Bli mer selvforsynt». Dette omfattende programmet er utviklet for å gi deltakerne kunnskapen til å sette opp hagene sine og de praktiske ferdighetene som trengs for å bli mer selvforsynt.

Bli med oss på en 5-dagers reise inn i verden av selvforsyning i det rolige landskapet i Indre Fosen, Norge.

Join us for an immersive 5-day journey into the world of self-sufficiency in the calm countryside of Indre Fosen, Norway. This comprehensive program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge to set up their gardens and the practical skills needed for less food reliance.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

• Understand the principles and benefits of organic gardening and permaculture
• Plan your kitchen garden
• Improve soil health and fertility through organic methods.
• Implement crop rotation, permaculture design
• Effectively manage composting and natural fertilizer systems.

Course Structure:

Arrival day:

• 15:00 (07.07.2024)
• Welcome and Introduction at Heggli Gård
• Evening hike to get to know the area

Day 1:
Garden design (8th)

• Placement of the elements (kitchen garden, greenhouse, compost, hedge) in the garden, inspired by permaculture principles
• Analysis of microclimates
• Introduction to resources
• Tour at Heggligård and Permakult market garden

Your first kitchen garden (9th)

• Choosing the optimal size and planning
• Production needs and choice of plant varieties
• Soil health and compost
• Weeds and indicator plants
• Trip to Buan (thermal composting)

Practical work:
• Create a compost vine
• Analysing soil with your own senses
• Afternoon seaside fishing and foraging

Day 3:
Food forest and diverse production (10th)

• Design of a small food forest
• What is the role of perennial plants in the garden, both ecologically and in terms of production
• How to create a balanced ecosystem in the garden and prepare it for more beneficial animals

Practical work:
• Observation of pests and beneficial animals in the garden
• Planting of trees and shrubs

Day 4:
Beginning of the growing season (11th)

• No-dig cultivation
• Sowing indoors and outdoors
• Indoor cultivation
• Planting on a newly created bed

Practical work
• Creating your first bed
• Sowing and transplanting
• Analysis of different materials ten for soil coverage

Day 5:
Plant health and fertilization (12th)

• Plant-care techniques
• The many ways to fertilize
• Co-planting

Practical work:
• Creating compost tea

Typical course day:
• 7:45 - 8:15 Breakfast
• 8:30 - 11:30 Course content
• 11:30 - 13:00 Joint lunch (food preparation by the group and teacher)
• 13:00 - 16:00 Course content
• 17:00 Joint dinner (food preparation by the group and teacher)

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are included, bring some snacks if you need them :)

The course participants will stay together in the farm Bed&Breakfast of Heggli Gård.

Heggli Gård is a simple but authentic stay, right in the mountains. The rooms cover all necessities but are not luxurious :)

By car:

The course will start on the 7th, 15:00 at Helsetveien 140 (7105 Stadsbygd)

By plane:
From Trondheim airport (TRD, Værnes) take the train or airport bus to the central station. Walk over to the speedboat terminal and take the boat to Vanvikan. We can pick you up at the speedboat terminal.

In case of any unclarities, use the chat function :)

Both Teachers speak Norwegian as well as English if there are non-Norwegian participants, the course will be held in English. Individual questions can always be answered in your preferred language.

If you are looking for a fully Norwegian course let us know and we will arrange it!

! To book your spot you will have to pay a 5000 NOK deposit. The rest will have to be paid 2 weeks before the beginning of the course. If the minimum requirement of 8 participants isn't met, we will refund the deposit :)

Your Instructor:
Céline Faudot & Anton Van Genugten
Céline and Anton are both seasoned gardeners and teachers. They will do everything in their power to send you home ready to be more self-sufficient than ever before.