Keramikk – lag ditt eget frokostservise
Ceramics: Create a handcrafted breakfast set
Lærer: Jasmine Jones.
Undervisning hovedsakelig på engelsk, men Jasmine snakker også noe norsk.
4. – 5. november
Kl. 11-16 begge dager
Pris: kr. 2500,- pluss materialer kr. 300,-
If you are interested in this course, please send an e-mail, and we will get back to you if we decide to run it later this year.
Description: A weekend workshop is the perfect opportunity to explore the techniques you can use to create beautiful bespoke pieces in ceramic.
During this course we will use three different handbuilding techniques and several decorative techniques, to make a beautiful breakfast set. Each set will consist of a cup, a plate and a bowl.
We will be using the techniques of pinching, coiling and slab building, along with a variety of decorating techniques to enhance your pieces. Throughout the workshop we will be using a variety of underglaze colours to decorate the set.
There will also be an opportunity for you to come and glaze the pieces with me, alternatively I will do this for you – pieces ready to collect at an arranged date.