Kjetil is an experienced shamanic healer, coach, mentor and craniosacral bodyworker with more than 10.000 hour hans-on experience with clients and students the last 15 years. He have an unike approach to healing work and he is educated in many different healing modalities.
Kjetil does not work directly with symptoms or diagnosis, but he see every physical, mental or emotional pain as a guidance from the soul. He work mostly as a coach and mentor for people who want to work with them self over a period of time to become more aligned with their life purpose and soul essence. When you come to a session with Kjetil he will first talk with you, read you energy and suggest a treatment plan for you before you work on the table.
If you want quick fix session Kjetil is not the right person for you. He prefer to work with people who is ready to take responsibility for their life situation. When you work with him you must be ready to take a deeper dive into yourself. Kjetil always works with a student observer in the room. When booking a session with him you agree to this. In case of No-show or cancelation within 48 hour before appointment you will have to pay for the session full price.
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