We provide online course about JavaScript for Developers. As Douglas Crockford once said, JavaScript is the world´s most misunderstood programming language. It is also one of the world´s most popular programming languages and one of the cornerstones of a modern web application development.
With web clients becoming thicker and more complex, it is no longer easy to get away with sloppy, ad-hoc JavaScript programming style. In this JavaScript hands-on workshop you will learn how to write good code (by employing its good features and avoiding quirks and common pitfalls).
Learn how to:
• Apply best practices and avoid quirks and common pitfalls
• Use modern language features
• Take advantage of JavaScript's functional and dynamic nature
• Understand lexical scope and closure
• Unit test JavaScript code
• Write clean, well-structured, object-oriented code
• Apply asynchronous and event-driven patterns
1) Introduction to unit testing (Jasmine):
• Objects
• Object literal
• Default & guard operators
• Updating properties & property attributes
• Property enumeration
• Removing properties
2) Functions:
• Declaration hoisting
• Function literal
• Arguments
• Invocation patterns and this
• Return
• Prototype
3) Arrays:
• Array literals
• Length & delete
• For vs. for in
• Arrays vs. associative arrays
• Filter/map/reduce & co
4) Functions, part two:
• Lexical scope
• Closure
• Revealing module pattern
• Bind
5) Unit testing asynchronous code:
• Constructor and factory functions
• Classes
• Inheritance
• Mixins
6) ES6:
• Const & let
• Template strings
• Object literals
• Default parameters
• Fat-arrow functions
• Destructuring objects and arrays
• Spread & rest operator
7) Asynchronous programming patterns:
• Callbacks
• Promises
• Observables
8) Functions, part three:
• Are first-class
• Partial application
Labs & exercises:
This workshop is a combination of lectures, discussions and practical exercise
Speaker: Damjan Vujnovic
The passion for programming and making new discoveries took me from unlocking the secrets of C=64 machine language to all things web. Today, after 20 years of professional experience, the sheer excitement and pride of making a new technologies "work" is still driving me every day. I've worked on various domains in different industries (e-government, fixed-odds betting, online gaming, social networks, investment banking) and with different technology stacks. Designed and helped building several scalable, high-throughput, low-latency transaction processing systems. One of the founding fathers of MindMup.
Target audience:
This JavaScript workshop is designed for experienced Web Developers designing, creating and maintaining rich web applications. It will help you tackle the complexity and challenges of the modern Web Development.
• To get the most out of the workshop, you should have hands-on experience with JavaScript and be familiar with HTML, DOM, CSS and Ajax.
Computer setup:
You need to bring your own laptop with the following installed:
• Git client
• NodeJS 8
• Google Chrome (or any other modern browser)
• Visual Studio Code (or any other text-editor/IDE)
This is a BYOD (bring your own device) workshop