International Summer School SISS 2025

Sted: Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute
          Akershus, Lørenskog
Kursadresse: Skårersletta 60, 1473 Lørenskog (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Varighet: 8 dager
Neste kurs: 24.06.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute invites to International Summer School SISS 2025 in Norway. The main goals of the International Summer School SISS are to write a scientific article or book chapter for publishing or making a scientific or pragmatic project and preparing for presentation at a Summit.

Furthermore, based on the experiences at Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, increase science interaction, and develop effective knowledge transfer mechanisms. International Summer School SISS 2025 in Norway period is from 24th of June till 13th of August 2025, in all 5 classes: Class #1: June 24, to July 2, 2025, Class #2: July 4, to July 12, 2025, Class #3: July 15, to July 23, 2025, Class #4: July 25, to August 2, 2025, Class #5: August 5, to August 13, 2025. Four participants per class only. Please contact your university international/academic or mobility/exchange officer for more information.
• Be a Social Entrepreneur School IBS alumnus or a representative of universities and colleges in the Sandal
Institute Global network, which now comprises 44 units in 8 countries on 4 continents.
• Start preparing an article or project concerning the International Summer School SISS 2025 activities before coming. Completing the article or project during the International Summer School SISS 2025.
• Be ready for keynote speaking at a Summit Conversation on Emerging Issues in Social Entrepreneurship.

1. To complete your application, you will need to submit 3 forms/documents:
• Copy of the first page of your international passport (Name_Passport.pdf);
• Letter of Motivation where you describe the relevance of your candidacy, your motivation for applying and the idea of your science article (signed by the applicant, not more than 1-page A4, Name_Motivation.pdf);
• Curriculum Vitae, use (Name_CV.pdf);
2. Documents that do not meet the requirements will not be considered.
3. Send documents in 1 email (letter subject – SPME_Name) to the SPME coordinator:
jan-u.sandal (a)
4. Application deadline is set for June 17, 2025 (23:59 in Oslo).
5. Out of all applications, Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute will choose the 40 most relevant candidates for participation.
6. Qualified candidates will be notified by June 20, 2025.

Accommodation, transportation in Norway and dietary expenses during the International Summer School SISS 2025 are covered by Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute Grant ES-01-A. Participants must have travel insurance and cover private expenses plus flights to, and from Oslo Gardermoen Airport. Students will be charged student fees/donations.

Looking forward to welcoming you at Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal International Summer School SISS 2025!
Prof. Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal

Målgruppe for kurset

Forskere, forskerstuderende, formidlere, forelesere, undervisere, studenter, kursdeltakere, praktikere, gründere, sosialentreprenører, politikere, embetsmenn, journalister, eiere, ledere og ansatte i alle virksomhetsområder og bransjer med interesse for og/eller tilknytting til faget.