HSE for management - bedriftsinternt

Kursarrangør: Solearning as
Sted: Hele landet, Vi kommer til din bedrift
Type:Bedriftsinternt / Større grupper
Undervisningstid: Kl 09:00 - 15:00
Varighet: 1 dag
Pris: Avtales

All employers are required training in systematic health, safety and environmental standards according to § 3-5 of the Working Environment Act and regulations. This course satisfies the requirements for HSE training.

Topic overview:
• Opening and instructions
• What is HSE?
• Systematic HSE and safety work
• Norwegian HSE regulations
• The Working Environment Act
• The organisation and principles of HSE work
• Responsibility and authority in the HSE organisation
• Questions and challenges
• Who is this course suitable for?
• The course is tailored to the employer and other leaders.
• Fits well for everyone who want an introduction to the company systematically HSE and the HSE requirements set out in the Working Environment Laws and regulations.

The duration of 6 hours which is the minimum of what is considered necessary to cover the mandatory topics.

the purpose of the course
The purpose of the course is that the course participant shall have completed training that meets the training requirements of the employer. In addition to developing a good understanding of HSE work, where collaboration

Målgruppe for kurset:
All participants receive comprehensive documentation containing course presentation and excerpts of Working Enviromet Act and regulations.
It will be served lunch, coffee and refreshments during the course day.

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