Fullstack GraphQL - online

Kursarrangør: Programutvikling AS
Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Nettkurs og nettstudie
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt for informasjon
Varighet: 2 days

We provide online course about fullstack GraphQL. GraphQL is designed for a mobile-first / cloud-first world and specifies how to expose modern APIs. GraphQL, since its inception, has been rapidly growing and is now the go-to solution for new APIs.

he largest internet companies in the world like Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and GitHub are all running on top GraphQL. Become part of this next shift in technology and learn why GraphQL has become so popular with companies of all sizes. In this workshop, we will introduce you to GraphQL and the major concepts behind it.

We will look at how to build a GraphQL server with ASP.NET Core 7 and Hot Chocolate. You will learn how to query GraphQL and what tools are out there that can help you explore and manage large schemas. Further, we will dive into React and explore how to efficiently build fast and fluent web interfaces using the JavaScript client Relay.

Technologies covered:
• .NET, ASP.NET Core, GraphQL, Hot Chocolate, React, Relay

Day 1 - GraphQL Basics:
• What is GraphQL
• Migrating REST applications to GraphQL
• Wrapping REST APIs with GraphQL
• Transitioning to GraphQL native
• GraphQL server ecosystem in .NET
• GraphQL client ecosystem in .NET and JavaScript (Apollo vs Relay)
• Exploring Facebooks Relay client?
• Query and Mutation
• Fragments and Composability
• GraphQL Syntax
• Schema best practices

Day 2 - Putting GraphQL Production:
• GraphQL Subscriptions
• Defer and Stream
• Schema Federation
• Putting GraphQL Production
• Persisted Queries
• Security Concepts
• Observability with Open Telemetry
• Testing Strategies

Speakers: Michael Staib and Martin Artola

Michael is a member of the GraphQL technical steering committee, a Microsoft MVP, and the author of the Hot Chocolate project (https://github.com/ChilliCream/hotchocolate), a platform for building GraphQL servers and clients in .NET. This open-source project has been his main focus for the last couple of years. Apart from his work in the open-source community, Michael works as a consultant to help companies move to GraphQL.

Martin is a front-end geek, data architect, and software engineer with multi-year experience helping companies around the world. He enjoys solving problems by coding in creative ways and actively participates in multiple open-source projects. As a member of the Chilli Cream team he moves bits around Banana Cake Pop and anywhere frontend matters.

Target audience:
Anyone who wants online course about fullstack GraphQL

• You will need basic knowledge of .NET and JavaScript
• Also, you will need a computer with the .NET 7 SDK, Nodejs LTS, and Visual Studio Code