Fallsikring offshore grunnkurs - NOG 113 / NS9610 (English)

Kursarrangør: Kompetansebedriften
Sted: Kompetansebedriften AS (3. etg.)
          Oslo, Rødtvet
Kursadresse: Pottemakerveien 6B, 0954 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: 08.30 - 16.00
Varighet: 1 dag
Pris: 2.950
Neste kurs: 09.05.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

We offer basic fall protection courses offshore NOG 113 / NS9610. The training provides fall protection users with the competence to use fall protection for offshore workers in accordance with NOG 113. Competence means the ability to solve tasks and master complex challenges with fall protection equ

The fall protection course is conducted in accordance with the Norwegian Petroleum and Gas training plan for basic fall protection NOG 113. Kompetansebedriften offers interesting and informative basic fall protection courses NOG 113 with a high academic level. To ensure that you get the best possible benefit from our basic fall protection course NOG 113, our consultants and instructors have extensive experience and expertise. We conduct fall protection courses throughout the country and tailor the course to your needs and tasks. The course consists of theory and practical training.

The training shall provide competence within:
• Risk management
• Fall arrest systems, equipment and methods
• Inspection and maintenance of fall arrest equipment

• Identify risks for the work to be performed
• Consequences of a fall in fall arrest equipment
• Fall arrest systems, equipment and methods
• Basic fall arrest systems, equipment and methods
• Fall prevention (active protection) and fall arrest (passive protection) systems
• Types and construction of fall arrest equipment
• Fall block, energy absorber, lanyard systems and other components
• Disposal rules for fall arrest equipment
• Inspection, maintenance and storage of equipment
• Realistic practical exercises in the use of different fall arrest systems and situations

Upon completion of the training, the participant shall be able to:
• Identify risks associated with fall protection work
• Use basic fall arrest systems, equipment and methods
• Identify the need for maintenance, inspection and storage of equipment

Target group for the course:
Those who are to use fall protection equipment in the petroleum industry onshore and offshore

Exam / certification:
A diploma and a short-format course certificate will be issued to each candidate who has completed and passed the training. We send the diploma by email to the participant and/or course orderer.