DraftSight Essentials

Kursarrangør: PLM Group Norge
Sted: Oslo
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: kl 09:00 - 16:00
Varighet: 1 dag

To provide you an insight into DraftSight and the basic functions for creating and modifying 2D drawings in DWG and DXF formats.

Topics that will be covered
• Introduction to DraftSight and 2D CAD
• Creating simple drawings
• Managing coordinate system
• Edit commands
• Managing properties and layers
• Handling drawing files
• Advanced commands
• Commands for display
• Text and dimensions
• Creating, Editing Blocks and their Attributes
• Printouts and its settings

Experience required:
You need basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and experience in working with 2D drawings. Do you have questions or concerns regarding prior knowledge? Contact us. We'll guide you to a solution that's best for you