Docker Containerization Essentials (CN100)

Kursarrangør: SG Partner AS
Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Bedriftsinternt / Større grupper
Nettkurs og nettstudie
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt for informasjon
Varighet: 1 dag
Pris: 9.500

In this course, you´ll learn how to create and manage individual containers using the Docker Engine. We´ll cover best practices in container image design and container deployment and auditing, as well as an introduction to single-node container networking and storage.

Course overview:
This course is best practices focused, and is designed to enable rapid successful adoption of containerization from first principles.

General technical audiences & IT professionals

Attendees should meet the following prerequisites:

• Familiarity with the bash shell
• Filesystem navigation and manipulation
• Command line text editors like vim or nano
• Common tooling like curl, wget and ping

Containerization motivations and implementation

• Usecases
• Comparison to virtual machines
Creating, managing and auditing containers

• Container implementation from the Linux kernel
• Container lifecycle details
• Core container creation, auditing and management CLI
Best practices in container image design

• Layered filesystem implementation and performance implications
• Creating images with Dockerfiles
• Optimising image builds with multi-stage builds and image design best practices
Single-host container networking

• Docker native networking model
• Software defined networks for containers
• Docker-native single-host service discovery and routing
Provisioning external storage

• Docker volume creation and management
• Best practices and usecases for container-external storage.