Daoistisk meditasjon

Kursarrangør: Norsk Taiji Senter
Sted: Norsk Taiji Senter
          Oslo, Sentrum
Kursadresse: Kirkegata 1 - 3, 0153 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt fort informasjon
Varighet: 1 1/2 time
Pris: fra 150

Vi tilbyr kurs i Daoistisk sittende meditasjon på mandager.

• Sitting quietly
• Meditating on the breath
• We are Building Bridges with the Breath
• A Breath to our home lying innate with us
• Holding a gentle focus on the breath guides us to nestle into the profound pulse aligning us to a force of nature lying deep with us. Just a breath away.
• The Breath builds the bridge to the body where lies all we ever had

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