CPL(H) integrated course

Sted: Sandefjord Lufthavn
          Vestfold, Sande
Kursadresse: Hangarveien 13, 3241 Sandefjord (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Start-up in August and February each year.
Varighet: 1 år
Pris: 1.050000

The course provides the privilege to work as a commercial pilot for operation such as external load, sightseeing, photography, passenger transport and power line inspection, among others.

This course does not give you the privilege to fly into clouds ( fly on instruments) as offshore and air ambulance industry require. If so, then you need to add a instrument IR(H) rating to your CPL(H) license. IR(H) can be completed upon request after completing the CPL(H) course and maybe even been out working for a couple of years.

Privileges: You may act as pilot in command in commercial operations which do not require two pilots. In two pilot operations (multi crew), you can act as a co-pilot in visual conditions. (not into clouds)