We provide course about CK 616 Radar og ARPA. Learning objective: A trainee successfully completing the course knows how to operate radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation. This course will only be held in norwegian language.
The content of the course is in accordance with STCW A-I/12 and IMO Resolutions A.482 (XII) and A.483 (XII), reflecting IMO Model Courses 1.07and 1.09.
The course includes:
• Laws, governmental regulations and IMO resolutions
• Lectures in the fundamentals of radar and ARPA operations
• Lectures in operations, interpretation, and analysis of information obtained from radar and ARPA
• Practical training by exercises in navigation laboratory
Target audience:
The course is prepared for D5 external candidates (privatist) and is a mandatory part of their education if not taken as part of the Instrument Navigation course.
• The course is given in norwegian