We provide CK 402 offshore loading refresher course in english. The objective of the course is to retrain in the safe and efficient handling of shuttle tankers when loading at offshore Tandem-FSO/FPSO and UKOLS offshore loading systems.
Course description:
The course has special focus on emergency shutdowns and berthing / unberthing procedures, by exploiting DP, engines, rudders and thrusters, under normal and severe conditions and with systems intact and with system errors.
The course covers theoretical topics such as:
• Updates in rules and regulations, offshore loading systems and general and field specific procedures
• BRM principles
• The DP systems’ possibilities and limitations
• Position reference systems; DARPS, APOS / Hipap / HPR, Artemis/XPR 100, Radius and Fanbeam / Cyscan / Spot track
• Unwanted incidents including reports from IMCA, Petil, HSE and ship owners
• The latest edition of competence requirements and guidelines
Simulator exercises include:
• Manual maneuvering (or other relevant exercise based on course participants request)
• Approach, connecting, loading & disconnection at various offshore loading systems such as UKOLS & Tandem-FSO / FPSO with and without hawser.
• Escape maneuvering
• Engine trouble
• Propeller failure
• DP errors
• PRS errors
• ESD 1 and 2
• The duration of the course is 3 days, and max 3 participants per instructor and bridge simulator
The course is designed in compliance with OGUK regulations and the latest competence requirements set by Equinor.
Target audience:
This course is a refresher course for deck officers working on shuttle tankers mandatory every third year
• Participants must have passed the offshore loading phase 2 course, PRS courses and PMS data recorder course shall have been completed by course participant.
• The course is given in english
To receive document of evidence the participants must pass a written and practical examination