CK 200 Bridge Resource Management (BRM) - english

Kursarrangør: Simsea
Sted: Simsea AS
          Rogaland, Haugesund
Kursadresse: Karmsundgata 72, 5529 Haugesund (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: kl 10:00 - 14:00
Varighet: 2 days
Pris: 25.433
Neste kurs: 05.05.2025 | Vis alle kursdatoer

We provide course about CK 200 Bridge Resource Management (BRM) in english. The objective of the course is to give the participants an increased understanding of human factors that affect behaviour, interaction and communication.

Course description:
To improve team-working skills as well as develop skills for avoiding misunderstandings and the prevention of incidents and close-calls. The course will also give the participants knowledge of basic psychological and social conditions that affect perception of, decision-making and behaviour in critical situations and how these conditions affect the team’s processes, abilities and performance in an operational context.

The course covers topics such as:
• Allocation and prioritizing of resources, planning and co-ordination
• Limitations of time and resources, including the need for rest
• Crisis management, methods of stress-handling
• Efficient communication aboard, with other vessels / installations and onshore
• Briefing; involvement and information
• Sharing of information and observations
• Understanding of culture
• Two-way communication, active listening and feedback
• Learning by summary / debriefing and transfer of experience
• Assertiveness and leadership
• Motivation

• Task management and the use of operational procedure
• Distribution of roles
• Values, attitudes and norms
• Management techniques and conflict handling
• Decision-making in various situations
• Gathering and maintaining a common understanding and awareness of the situation
• Assessment of safety and risk
• Evaluation of the team’s experience
• The needs for training
• Decisions that reflect the team’s experience

The course is in accordance with NMA’s guidelines as per 29th January 2015

• Duration is 2 days (11 hours) in addition to an e-learning module (9 hours)
• Each course can have up to 12 participants

Target audience:
BRM is a course for captains and other officers on the bridge with nautical certificates

• The course is given in english

In order to receive Document of Evidence the participants must pass assessment in simulator and a written exam.