We provide a 2-day workshop that explores best practices as they apply to C++. We look at the pros and cons of various options to find the simpler, safer, more maintainable, and better performing options that exist.
• Writing clean, safe, maintainable C++ that performs well by default by gaining a deeper understanding of the language
• Using tools to help ensure that your C++ is as safe as possible
Speaker: Jason Turner, C++ Weekly
Jason has 2 decades of C++ experience and is a regular conference speaker, developer, and trainer. He has been publishing weekly C++ videos on his YouTube channel, C++ Weekly, since 2016.
Target audience:
Anyone who wants a 2-day course about C++ best practices
• A working knowledge of C++. This class is valuable for all skill levels, but the absolute beginner will get less from the class.
Computer setup:
Students will work on small exercises in groups. Students will need a laptop with a web browser that can access compiler-explorer.com.