Beginning Python

Kursarrangør: Glasspaper AS
Sted: Oslo, Helsfyr
Kursadresse: Brynsveien 12, 0667 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: kl 09:00 - 16:00
Varighet: 3 days
Pris: 20.900

We provide course about beginning Python. Many people find it helpful to learn a scripting language these days. Python is one of the more mature ones out there, with a strong tradition, a helpful community, and a massive set of ready-to-use modules.

Course description:
Thus, increasing your knowledge about Python means getting a further reach in solving many everyday problems. Programming, for all the uses we can put it to, has its own set of challenges and hard points. Python stands out among languages as unusually sane and beginner-friendly. Despite this, it can be used to solve a wide range of problems, everything from the mundane to the intricate.

The course is filled with real-world examples which you can apply directly to your work. No matter whether Python is your first programming language or you already have some other languages under your belt, this course is an accessible introduction to Python and solving problems with a scripting language.

Course outline:
Day 1:
• The interactive prompt
• Starting to work with scripts
• Values and variables
• Basic data types
• Control flow: if, and while
• Lists and for loops
• Breaking out early from loops
• Sorting and searching

Day 2:
• Input and output
• File handling: reading and writing
• Using strings
• Making your own functions
• Dictionaries
• Formatting
• List comprehensions
• Classes and objects

Day 3:
• Inheritance
• Exceptions
• Regular expressions
• Database handling
• Modules and packages
• Debugging
• GUI development

Target audience:
People who wish to learn the basics of Python

• Participants must have some previous experience with programming. The language or the type of programming matters less; a familiarity with the programming mindset is the important thing.

• The course is given in english

Uttalelse fra fornøyd kursdeltaker:
«It's a wonderful course, full of great content and practical applications/exercises. I look forward to going back through what I have learned and putting it to good use at work.»
- Course delegate