Vi tilbyr oppfriskningskurs i verne- og miljøarbeid / HMS-kurs for arbeidsgiver. Dette kurset dekker kravet til HMS-opplæring for arbeidsgivere. Det er en teoretisk og praktisk gjennomgang av arbeidsmiljøloven, med særlig vekt på roller og ansvar, samt metoder for godt HMS-arbeid.
Basic course in conservation and environmental work
This is the compulsory course for safety representatives and members of the working environment committee, also called the 40-hour course. However, as basic training in HSE work, it is also very useful for managers at all levels, and anyone who will be involved in systematic HSE work. The course is practical and has lectures where we discuss a lot and share experiences.
• Roles and responsibilities in systematic HSE work
• The Working Environment Act
• Internal control
• Chemicals and chemical handling
• Mapping and risk assessment - introduction to principles and methods
• I ndoor climate and noise
• Conservation rounds - how will we manage to see?
• Psychosocial and organizational work environment
• Drug and gambling prevention
• Ergonomics and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
The course consists of two sessions of two days each. All four days from 0830-1500. With the homework, it fulfills the requirement for 40 hours of training for safety representatives and members of AMU.
Target group:
The main target group for this course is safety representatives and members of AMU. It is also very useful for managers at all levels, and anyone who will be involved in systematic HSE work.
Ikke medlemmer kr 10057,-
Medlemmer kr 8733,-