This 2-day Blockchain Foundation course covers the basics of blockchain, the challenges of blockchain, the applications of a blockchain and blockchain innovations.
Course overview:
The EXIN Blockchain Foundation certification validates a professional's knowledge about blockchain as a ledger with potential as a worldwide decentralized record for the registration, inventory, and transfer of assets. The certification covers the basic concepts of blockchain, the potential fields of application, the potential value for the organization and the technology driving the blockchain. EXIN Blockchain Foundation looks at more detailed information about additional blockchain elements including cryptography, private and public keys, hashes and consensus algorithms.
Course objectives:
After completing this training course, you will be able to
• Explain how a blockchain works
• Identify the role of a node in a network
• Differentiate between public, private and hybrid blockchain
• Explain how cryptography, private and public keys and hashes are used in a blockchain
• Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different consensus algorithms
• Describe possible applications for a blockchain with respect to identity.
• Describe the role a blockchain can play in the supply chain.
• Differentiate between blockchain networks
• Identify the possibilities of combining a blockchain with Internet of Things (IoT) or artificial intelligence (AI).
• Explain the use of blockchain technology for intellectual property (IP) protection and precaution.
Course content:
Blockchain Basics
– Blockchain Technology
• explain how a blockchain works.
• explain what a node is
• identify the role of a node in a network.
• explain what tokens are.
• differentiate between public, private and hybrid blockchains.
– Additional Blockchain Elements
• explain how cryptography is used in a blockchain.
• explain how private and public keys are used in a blockchain.
• explain how hashes are used in a blockchain.
• explain the purpose ledgers have in a blockchain.
• explain the role mining has in a blockchain.
– Structure of a Blockchain Network
• recognize the types of consensus algorithms from a description.
• identify advantages and disadvantages of different consensus algorithms.
Blockchain Challenges
– Challenges for a Blockchain
• identify blockchain vulnerabilities.
• identify the risks community fractures and feuds pose to a blockchain.
• identify the risks fraud and scams pose to a blockchain.
– Blockchain Risk Mitigation
• explain how the additional blockchain elements can be used to mitigate blockchain risks.
• explain the role of the public witness in a blockchain.
Applications of a Blockchain
– Blockchain Use Case
• explain in which scenarios a blockchain is useful.
– Blockchain Technology Supporting Businesses
• explain how cryptocurrencies are used.
• identify the blockchain technology used in a scenario.
• differentiate between blockchain networks.
– Blockchain Technology Supporting People
• explain the use of smart contracts.
• explain the use of decentralized applications (DApps).
• explain the role of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) and sophisticated smart contracts.
– Expanding Blockchain Applications
• describe possible applications for a blockchain with regard to identity.
• identify the possibilities of combining a blockchain with internet of things (IoT) or artificial intelligence (AI).
• identify the use of decentralized marketplaces and exchanges facilitated by blockchain technology.
– Blockchain and the World Economy
• describe the role a blockchain can play in the supply chain.
• describe the role a blockchain can play in cross-border money transfers.
Blockchain Innovations
– Innovations in Blockchain Technology
• explain what digital fiat currency and disruption in banking and currency are.
• explain how blockchain technology can change insurance.
• explain the use of blockchain technology for the protection of intellectual property rights (IP) and provenance.
• explain how blockchain technology may change governments.
• identify applications for blockchain technology in e-mail and the trust layer for the internet.
Target audience:
This certification is tailored for professionals in both business and IT who have, or want, a professional role in blockchain as a cryptographic and smart contract solution.