Authentic meditation in Norway

Kursarrangør: AUTHENTIC meditation
Sted: Rogaland, Stavanger
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt for informasjon
Varighet: 1 dag
Pris: 2.500

Are you interested in AUTHENTIC meditation and are you begginer? Come to learn. My name is Tereza, I come from Czech Republik. I am 28 years old and I am interested in yoga, meditation and work with energy. I visit Norway every month ,once or twice in month.

Therefore I decided to share this with you through the teaching. I am meditation teacher for begginers. I will teach you meditation teachniques from Tantra and Yoga traditions, where the authentic meditations come from.

In this case, please do not understand Tantra as sexual pracitce, it is much much more then that. Actualy sexuality containts only 5 % of all Tantra. Tantra is sience of energy. The teaching will be in a apatment so you can bring some snack or tea etc.

What bring with you?
• Notebook
• Pen
• Snack ( there is fridge or you can cook something too)
• Good mood :)

10: 00 - 10: 15 Introduction
10: 20 - 11: 00 first teaching: What is meditation and first technique
11: 00 - 12:30 lunch break
12: 30 - 13 : 15 second teaching: Concentration of the mind and second technique
13: 15 - 13:30 break
13:30 - 14: 15 third teaching: 7 Chakras and third teachnique
14:15 - 14: 20 break
14: 20 - 16: 00 meditation techniques - repeating
16 : 00 - 16: 15 conclouding

Time is aproximately,
Book your place on phone or email.