We provide virtual course about AWS Technical Essentials. AWS Technical Essentials introduces you to essential AWS services and common solutions. The coursecovers the fundamental AWS concepts related to compute, database, storage, networking, monitoring, andsecurity.
Course description:
You will start working in AWS through hands-on course experiences. The course covers theconcepts necessary to increase your understanding of AWS services, so that you can make informeddecisions about solutions that meet business requirements. Throughout the course, you will gaininformation on how to build, compare, and apply highly available, fault tolerant, scalable, and costeffective cloud solutions.
Course objectives:
• Describe terminology and concepts related to AWS services
• Navigate the AWS Management Console
• Articulate key concepts of AWS security measures and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
• Distinguish among several AWS compute services, including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).
• Understand AWS database and storage offerings, including Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
• Explore AWS networking services
• Access and configure Amazon CloudWatch monitoring features
Course outline:
Module 1 - Introduction to Amazon Web Services:
• Introduction to AWS Cloud
• Security in the AWS Cloud
• Hosting the employee directory application in AWS
• Hands-On Lab: Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Module 2 - AWS Compute:
• Compute as a service in AWS
• Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
• Amazon EC2 instance lifecycle
• AWS container services
• What is serverless
• Introduction to AWS Lambda
• Choose the right compute service
• Hands-On Lab: Launch the Employee Directory Application on Amazon EC2
Module 3 - AWS Networking:
• Networking in AWS
• Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
• Amazon VPC routing
• Amazon VPC security
• Hands-On Lab: Create a VPC and Relaunch the Corporate Directory Application in Amazon EC2
Module 4 - AWS Storage:
• AWS storage types
• Amazon EC2 instance storage and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
• Object storage with Amazon S3
• Choose the right storage service
• Hands-On Lab: Create an Amazon S3 Bucket
Module 5 - Databases:
• Explore databases in AWS
• Amazon Relational Database Service
• Purpose-built databases
• Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB
• Choose the right AWS database service
• Hands-On Lab: Implement and manage Amazon DynamoDB
Module 6 - Monitoring, Optimization, and Serverless:
• Monitoring
• Optimization
• Alternate serverless employee directory application architecture
• Hands-On Lab: Configure High Availability for Your Application
Module 7 - Course Summary
Instructor: Anders Bjørnestad
Anders Bjørnestad har utviklet løsninger på AWS plattformen siden 2010 og har jobbet med alt fra cloud-strategi til å designe og implementere tekniske løsninger på denne plattformen. Anders er en av initiativtakerne til AWS User Groups i Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim og Stavanger og han mottok nylig fra AWS hedersbeviset “AWS Community Hero”, som en av få i Europa.
Target audience:
• Individuals responsible for articulating the technical benefits of AWS services to customers
• Individuals interested in learning how to get started with AWS
• SysOps administrators
• Solutions architects
• Developers
• IT experience
• Basic knowledge of common data center architectures and components (servers, networking, databases, applications, and so on).
• No prior cloud computing or AWS experience required
• The course is given in english