96th SUMMIT - Emerging issues in social entrepreneurship

Sted: Nettkurs / Nettstudie
Hele landet
Type:Nettkurs og nettstudie
Undervisningstid: Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Norway, via Google Meet link, 11:00 – 14.15, Oslo time.
Varighet: 3 timer
Neste kurs: 04.11.2024 | Vis alle kursdatoer

Keynote Speakers: The importance of state support: Bridging the Gender Gap: Promoting Innovation as Catalysts for Economic Progress: Causal Relationships between Trade and Corruption

Summit Program
10:55: Arrival and registration.
11:00: Opening Address:
Chair of Summit Prof. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal
11:15 Viktoriya Gura: Topic: “The importance of state support in the field of
social entrepreneurship development”
Conversation, Q/A.
12:00: Kateryna Redko: Topic: “Bridging the Gender Gap: Women's Impact in Social Entrepreneurship”
Conversation, Q/A.
12:45: Viktor Sereda: Topic: “Promoting Innovation as Catalysts for Economic
Conversation, Q/A.
13:30: Raj Kumar KC: Topic: “Causal Relationships between Trade and
Conversation, Q/A.
14:15: End of the 96th Summit.


Viktoriya Gura, PhD, is working in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv as Associate Professor of the European Integration Department.
In addition, she is responsible for the international relations of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service.
Viktoriya Gura has published more than 50 scientific papers. In December 2015, Viktoriya Gura has become Affiliated Honorary Research Fellow of Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute.
In November 2016, Viktoriya Gura graduated Social Entrepreneur School IBS, Diploma - Social Entrepreneur IBS.

Topic: “The importance of state support in the field of social entrepreneurship development”

Kateryna Redko
Affiliated Honorary Research Fellow, Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Norway (Dec. 2026).
PostDoc in Economics, State Institution «G. M. Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv (Aug. 2023).
PhD in Economics, State Institution «G. M. Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv. (Aug. 2017).
MSc in International Economics, National Technical University of Ukraine ‘ISKPI’ (Jun. 2010).
BSc in International Economics, National Technical University of Ukraine ‘ISKPI’ (Jun. 2009).

Work experience
Short-term researcher, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, (Sep. 2022 – Ongoing).
Senior Researcher, State Institution «G. M. Dobrov Institute for Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies NASU», Centre for Innovations and Technological Development, Kyiv, Ukraine (Aug 2021 – Ongoing).
Associate Professor at the Management and Marketing Department, National Technical University of Ukraine ‘ISKPI’, Kyiv, Ukraine (Sep 2021 – Jun 2023).
Lecturer at the Management and Marketing Department, National Technical University of Ukraine ‘ISKPI’, Kyiv, Ukraine (Sep 2017 – Sep 2021).
Teaching assistant, National Technical University of Ukraine ‘ISKPI’ (Sep. 2015 – June 2017)

Author of more than 100 scientific publications, educational and methodological manuals, including articles in journals reviewed in the Scopus and WoS databases, laureate of the B.E. Paton’s scholarship for young scientists (2022), scholarship holder of the Academy of Sciences as a young scientist (2014-2016).

Topic: “Bridging the Gender Gap: Women's Impact in Social Entrepreneurship”

Viktor Sereda, PhD in Law, lawyer. Affiliated Honorary Research Fellow: Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Norway.
Current areas of scientific interest are the rule of law, economic efficiency and increasing level of living, economic and legal analysis; development of a modern economy; international law of investment protection and entrepreneurship.

Topic: “Promoting Innovation as Catalysts for Economic Progress”

Raj Kumar KC from Nepal. He completed his PhD in Trade Management from Tribhuvan University in 2023. As a research scholar, he is particularly interested in the fields of trade economics, public policy, marketing, governance, and political economy. Currently, he serves as a visiting faculty member at Tribhuvan University, School of Management, and Faculty of Management, as well as at the Management Department of Nepal Open University.
Before embarking on his PhD journey in 2018, he worked as the Executive Editor of The Rising Nepal, Nepal’s national English daily, and as the Feature Editor for Republica English daily. In addition to teaching and research, he is also passionate about literature.
“The reason I joined the Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute is to deepen my understanding of various aspects of social sciences and to engage in impactful research. I am proud to be associated with this prestigious organization”.

Topic: “Causal Relationships between Trade and Corruption”

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute
Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal is founder and chair of Summit in Social Entrepreneurship and the Social Entrepreneur School IBS. Professor Fil. Dr Jan-Urban Sandal is Professor Chair of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship at Joseph A. Schumpeter Centre for Economic Research of Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University. Prof. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal is Honorary Professor at Chernihiv Polytechnic National University and Honorary Senior Fellow of Science Technology and Training OMEGA Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam, and doctor honoris causa at Alytaus Kolegija university of Applied Sciences, Lithuania. Prof. Fil. Dr Sandal also lectures and conducts master classes at universities across the world and collaborates with University of Southern California on Internship program for Norwegian students and social entrepreneurs. Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute’s international university network includes now app. 85 000 students and 20 000 faculty members and staff and offer participants full access to activities sanctioned by the agreements regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or national origin. The agreements secure students and faculty members access to international independent science and dynamic innovative pedagogy and an extended study and scientific activity to seminar and course participants connected to Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute in Norway and globally. Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute offers a four-year Affiliated Honorary Research Program and APEX Honorary Scientific Fellowship Four Years Full Scientific Program.

Målgruppe for kurset

Forskere, forskerstuderende, formidlere, forelesere, undervisere, studenter, kursdeltakere, praktikere, gründere, sosialentreprenører, politikere, embetsmenn, journalister, eiere, ledere og ansatte i alle virksomhetsområder og bransjer med interesse for og/eller tilknytting til faget.