Software Architecture for Developers med Simon Brown

Kursarrangør: Bouvet
Sted: Bouvet avd Oslo
          Oslo, Majorstua
Kursadresse: Sørkedalsveien 8, 0369 Oslo (kart)
Type:Åpent kurs / gruppeundervisning
Studie / yrkesutdanning
Undervisningstid: Ta kontakt for informasjon
Varighet: 2 dager
Pris: 18.500

Vi tilbyr kurs om Software Architecture for Developers med Simon Brown. Kurset vil gi deg et bredere perspektiv og gi deg et større spekter av ferdigheter innen systemutvikling. Det vil gjøre deg mer oppmerksom på arkitektur i utviklingsprosessen og gjøre deg i stand til å utvikle bedre systemer.

Designing software given a vague set of requirements and a blank sheet of paper is a good skill to have, although not many people get to do this on a daily basis. However, with agile methods encouraging collective ownership of the code, it’s really important that everybody on the team understands the big picture. In order to do this, you need to understand why you’ve arrived at the design that you have. In a nutshell, everybody on the team needs to be a software architect.

This is a 2-day training course about pragmatic software architecture, designed by software architects that code. It will show you what “just enough” up front design is, how it can be applied to your software projects and how to communicate the big picture through a collection of simple, effective sketches. Aimed at software developers, it fills the gap between software development and high-level architecture that probably seems a little “enterprisey” for most developers.

Our approach to training:
The course is interactive, with a combination of presentation, group discussion and group working. Throughout the course you’ll solidify everything you learn by defining the architecture for a small software system through a series of exercises focused around a software design exercise and case study.

There is a practical element:
You’ll be broken up into groups and asked to design a small software system from nothing but a set of requirements and a whiteboard.

This includes:
• Defining the architecture for the case study solution
• Deciding on the technologies that would be used to implement it
• Drawing up different views of the architecture to illustrate the software components and their interactions
• Assessing and justifying that the architecture will satisfy the functional and non-functional requirements
• Comparing and reviewing what each of the groups has come up with; discussing the choice of technologies, diagram notation and process used to define the architecture.

Kursinstruktør: Simon Brown

Simon er en internasjonalt anerkjent stemme innen programvarearkitektur. Han har en pragmatisk og praktisk tilnærming til temaet og foreleser innen teknisk lederskap, kommunikasjon og hvordan balansere "up-front" design med smidige metoder. Simon praktiserer også det han foreleser og har utviklet Structurizr, en samling av verktøy for å hjelpe team med å visualisere og dokumentere software-arkitektur. Han er også mannen bak C4 modellen for programvarearkitektur og har også skrevet bøkene «Software Architecture for Developers»

Målgruppe for kurset:
Kurset er rettet mot utviklere og arkitekter uavhengig av teknologi og plattform, det passer like godt om du lager systemer for Java, .NET eller noe annet.

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